we encourage the students in sports and games not only in the school premises but also outside competitions Master Y.Chiranjeevi Participated in the National Basket ball competition held at CUTTAK Odisha state in 2019. Kumari B.Satya participated in the National Handball competition held at Kanpur(UP) during the year 2021.


School is encouraging “Karate” particularly among the girls. Many Students like TCC Satya Sai Lalitha and T.Pranathi secured “Black Belt” and got first place under – IV category

Science Project

Three of our school’s science project were selected to participate in the State level Science Exhibition i.e INSPIRE held at Kurnool during the year 2019-20.

Kavitha Kiranalu

Our students flourished their creative thinking even in literary skills. In this process “Kavitha Kiranalu” a book of poems & songs were written by our School Students are published in the year 2019-20 by the Committee

Kata Championship

Mr M. DANUSH PAVAN has represented Andhra Pradesh, India and participated in the 1st INTERNATIONAL ONLINE E- KATA CHAMPION SHIP-2021 from 2nd to 5th April,2021. And he has secured 1st place in the KATA EVENT, for Boys under 12years of age category.